Welcome to PBP International Debt Collection Office in Germany !

Our way of collection

Best time to submit your claim to PBP : 

Early contacts will give you and us the maximum chance for recovery of your money. The best chance for recovery is during the period up to 90 days past due. But we already managed to collect claims, which had been several years old.

Usually you are not the only creditor waiting for your money. If you engage PBP as quick as possible, you have the best chance to collect your money before the debtor runs out of cash.

Our fees :

Our principle is "No collection, No fees" or "No cure, No pay". A commission is charged on successful collected amounts only. No placement fee. No risk for you.

Our commission rate :

The commission rate depends on the debt amount and the age of debt . Ask for our offer !

Our success :

We really care very effectful on your claim. Our collection ratio is very high, if you contact PBP quickly after default - So the debtor still has means to pay your claim.

Our reports :

We provide you with monthly status reports about our collection efforts. Any debtor statements are submitted to you within 2 days for your kind comment. So we keep hunting your debtor all the time.

If you have any questions to us : Your collector will contact you within 2-3 days.